
Two Financing Options:


Buy Now Pay Later

Choose 3, 6, or 12 monthly payments

For example, a $1,299 purchase might cost $117.33/mo over 12 months at 15% APR

Didn't get Approved?

If you were denied by Affirm, Fill out a short application for our no credit needed lender

Financing FAQ

Q: Which option should I go with?

We recommend first trying Affirm. If you get a denial from Affirm, we have a reliable no credit needed option for which you can fill out an application.

Q: Does Affirm check credit?

Affirm checks your credit with a soft credit pull, which doesn’t hurt your credit score. Though there’s no minimum requirement, Affirm considers your credit score as part of your application.

Q: What's "buy now pay later"?

Buy now pay later otherwise known as BNPL is a convenient and low-cost payment option used to check out at most retailers. It's a smart way to break up a purchase, & getting approved may also be easier compared with credit cards or loans because there’s no minimum credit score requirement.

Q: Who is the 2nd no credit needed option?

American First Finance: American First is a short term, high interest, no credit needed lender that is based on personal banking history instead of credit. Their ‘101 days, same as cash financing promotion’ offers no interest if you pay off the amount before 101 days. We have thousands of customers get financed through them & pay zero interest.

If you don't get approved with Affirm, fill out the application and press submit.